List your main products/deliveries
For each of them estimate customer demand (for instance, for this masterclass, I estimate customer demand at one lesson a week)
Estimate your total available time
Per product/delivery, divide available time by estimated customer demand
Ask yourself: What does this rhythm tell us about what we need to do (if we weren't batching)?
Redo the calculation summing up all products/delivers: how often do I have to turn in something.
Ask again: how are we set up to follow that rhythm?
Further Thinking
How do I
convince management to run to takt time, not as fast as possible?
What is the role of the sensei?
Are computer screens okay for visual management?
I'm a six sigma black belt and have now been asked to do lean. I'm not sure where to start with my team. Any
How often should we change takt time?
Dr. Michael Ballé will assist as virtual sensei for this e-learning experience with your own team to illustrate the key concepts you'll explore in the book.